Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Men are DOGS... Women are BITCHES...

Life is a cycle...so is love and heartbreak. One stone thrown into a pond, creates ripples that move outward, affecting everything that the vibrations of its existence touches...

Take for example:

Good boy meets bad girl... bad girl used to be a good girl who happened to be with a bad boy... bad girl got hurt and now decides to treat good boy as the bad boy treated her...good boy gets hurt...good boy turns into bad boy...bad boy is a dog...

Good girl meets bad boy... bad boy treats good girl as bad girl treated him...good girl gets hurt...good girl turns into a bad girl as well..bad girl is a bitch

We are all equally responsible for the mess that our relationships seem to be in... simply put... Men are DOGS... Women are BITCHES... THAT'S why we go so well together...

1 comment:

  1. it's a mad and altogether true logic though.

    i've always thought there were two people (only) in the world. teachers and assignments. and since we BOTH wear the roles at different times on this earth plane... we really REALLY ought to be careful how or rather what we project unto our assignments (when teaching) and vice versa...

